And this version from Culinary Capers Catering is simple, to boot.
You can call it plum pudding, you can call it Christmas pudding, you can even call it figgy pudding (but we’d rather you avoid that last one). What you can’t call it is universally beloved. In fact, in a recent poll I just conducted on myself, Christmas pudding ranks between Vegemite and Marmite for foods that cause the greatest division between normally sane people.But it needn’t be that way this year because there’s an option readily at hand that is just as classic and festive as Christmas pudding—it just tastes a whole lot better: Sticky. Toffee. Pudding.It still has all the Dickensian connotations and legacy, but every time Christmas pudding does something weird (like add beef suet), it does something tasty—like add three different types of sugar. But don’t take our word for it. Caterers—whose entire livelihoods depend on pleasing eaters—know what’s what, so try this version from chef Kim Collishaw of Vancouver’s Culinary Capers and tell us if we’re not onto something here.For the recipe, click here.