We've enlisted resident stylist Nicole Sjöstedt to create a look that will set the perfect festive stage.
What good is toiling away in the kitchen if your well-planned feast lands on a table that has disposable napkins from your local fast food chain. We’ve enlisted resident stylist Nicole Sjöstedt to create a look that will set the perfect festive stage.1. Go Au Naturel—Turnips, kale and artichokes give an organic shot of colour from an unexpected source.2. Mix in Metallics—Pewter or antique silver pieces are a natural complement to the minty blue of the ceramic plates.3. Cool The Colour Palette—Dark blue evokes the crisp cold of winter but is muted enough as to not overpower the table.4. Add Height—Long tapered candles lend both an elegance and a sense of occasion to a table.5. Bring in the Handmade—Ceramic plates and bowls bring a soft earthy feeling to this setting and they have that quirky one-of-a-kind feel.6. Bring it Back—Above all, this table setting is versatile—it could work equally well for Christmas, Hanukkah or New Year’s.