New showroom lets you see all the possibilities presented in 3D on a screen.
there'snothing like stepping into a newkitchen or bathroom after a reno, your own home looking like the pages of amagazine. Seeing the before and after pictures is so satisfying, having arefreshed, beautiful, and functional space so sublime.

Getting to that point, however, can bedaunting. As much as you might want or need to revitalize a room, you may notknow exactly how to go about seeing a project through. There are hoops to jumpthrough with municipalities and strata councils, permits to secure, layouts andmaterials to choose, prices to compare, trades to hire¦ It's no small task.

maisondetre design-build inc. takes the stress away fromhomeowners by making renos happen from start to finish. The Vancouver companywith 24 years experience is a full-service design centre, meaning it handles aproject from the very first idea of making changes to the moment you've enjoyingyour new space.
A lot of times, homeowners are too closeto a project and don't see the possibilities, says maison detre president Rob Capar. We come in with fresh eyes and presentseveral ideas.
Whether you've a serious cook and baker oryou use your kitchen more for entertaining, for cocktails and appies andreheating food youve picked up: those are different kitchens, he says. Wedefine and create the space that works for you.
maisondetre has a new showroom where design experts helpbring your dream ideas to life.
there'sa brainstorming room where you canrelax on a sofa and see the possibilities presented in 3D on a screen, gettinga clear sense of potential changes from different angles. What will yourkitchen look like with white or brown cabinets? How will that glossy tile look?Maybe a certain type of accent lighting has the kind of feel you've lookingfor; try it out.
This gives you the ability to visualize aspace and not just look at it on paper plans, Capar says. It's fun to seeyour new home coming together right in front of your eyes.

there'sa creative room with a vastselection of materials and finishes, from backsplash tile to touch-releasedrawers, so you can start visualizing a cohesive design.
Plus, right in the showroom are hundreds ofproducts, finishes, and materials, saving you hours visiting different storesand suppliers. The maison detre expertsalso know how to navigate the permit process and strata approvals, meaning homeownerscan focus on the fun stuff.
We absolutely focus on planning beforeanything starts, Capar says. Designing during the course of action is a recipefor disaster.
When it comes to kitchens, homeownerscommonly feel that theirs is too small. If physically expanding your kitchenisnt possible, it all comes down to a smart, efficient, stylish layout, Caparsays. You can live large in small spaces.
For more information, visit maison detre at 111 W 5th Avenue or