Here at Western Living we love a good vacation rental—whether it’s a cottage by the sea, a cabin tucked away in the woods, or even a yurt on an island—getting away in a place that’s both stylish and close to our favourite activities speaks to a summer getaway at its best.

With the long days of summer waning, we figured it’s the perfect time to reflect on both the sunshine-filled days behind us and the dog days ahead.

So we’d like to ask you: what it is that makes a vacation rental the vacation rental for you?

The following survey should take you less than five minutes and will help us figure out what the readers in Western Canada consider the components of the ideal rental property.

At the end, you’ll be asked for your email. But don’t fret—we won’t use your information to spam you—unless you sign up for our newsletter (which, you’re missing out on if you’re not already subscribed). Otherwise, all you’ll receive is an email thanking you for completing this survey.

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